How to Find Songs on YouTube by Humming the Tune

If so, you know how difficult it may be to forget the song’s name or who performs it. Or maybe you heard a catchy melody somewhere but didn’t know how to look it up on the internet. YouTube, on the other hand, offers a new experimental feature that can help you find music you know by humming, singing, or recording a bit of them.

In this article, we will show you how to use Find Songs on YouTube hum to search feature step by step. We will also give you some tips and tricks to improve your chances of finding your desired song. Finally, we will tell you why you should use this feature and how it can benefit you as a music lover.

How to Use Find Songs on YouTube Hum to Search Feature?

Find Songs on YouTube hum to search feature is a new way of Find Songs on YouTube using your voice. Using YouTube hum to search feature is very easy and fun. All you need is an Android device with the YouTube app installed and an internet connection. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Step 1: Open the YouTube app on your Android device and tap on the microphone icon at the top right corner of the screen.
  • After that this will be open the voice search mode.
  • Step 2: Switch from voice search to song search by tapping on the music note icon at the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • After switching modes, this will activate the hum to search mode.
  • Step 3: Hum, sing, or record a snippet of the song you are looking for at least three seconds.
  • You can also say “What’s this song?” before humming or singing if you prefer.
  • Step 4: Wait for YouTube to process your input and show you the results. You will see a list of possible matches with their titles, artists, and thumbnails.
  • You can also see how confident YouTube is about each match by looking at the percentage score next to each result.
  • Step 5: Browse through the results and Find Songs on YouTube you were looking for. You can tap on any result to play it on YouTube.
  • You can also see more content related to that song, such as official music videos, user-generated videos, and Shorts.
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You can also check out our blog, 10 Best YouTube Video Downloaders of 2023 for more tips and tutorials on 10 Best YouTube Video Downloaders of 2023. YouTube video downloader is a tool that can help you download videos from YouTube and save them to your device.

Tips and Tricks for using YouTube Hum to Search Feature

YouTube hum to search feature is a powerful tool that can help you Find Songs on YouTube almost any song by just humming or singing it. If you are interested in using an ad blocker, then read Will YouTube ad Blocker Crackdown Drive Users to YouTube Premium. Here are some tips and tricks to make the most out of YouTube hum to search feature:

  • Hum or sing clearly and loudly enough for YouTube to hear you.
  • Make sure your microphone is working properly and that there is no background noise or other sounds that might interfere with your input.
  • Try to hum or sing the most distinctive part of the song, such as the chorus or the hook.
  • Avoid humming or singing parts that are too generic or common, such as “la la la” or “oh oh oh”.
  • The more unique your input is, the more likely YouTube will find your song.
  • Avoid humming or singing the lyrics of the song, especially if you are not sure about them.
  • YouTube hum to search feature works better with melodies or rhythms than with words. If you hum or sing the wrong lyrics, YouTube might not recognize your song or show you irrelevant results.
  • If YouTube does not find your song, try again with a different input or a longer duration.
  • Sometimes, YouTube might need more information to identify your song, such as a different part of the song or a longer snippet of it.
  • You can also try humming or singing in a different pitch or tone if you think you were too high or too low.
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Benefits of Using YouTube Hum to Search Feature

You can Find Songs on YouTube songs that you don’t know the name or the artist of. Whether you heard a song on the radio, in a movie, in a store, or anywhere else, you can use YouTube hum to search feature to find out what it is and who sings it. You can also use it to Find Songs on YouTube that you have forgotten songs.

You can discover new songs or artists that match your taste. Find Songs on YouTube hum to search feature can help you explore new genres, styles, and trends in music. You can also find similar songs or artists to the ones you already like by looking at the related content that YouTube shows you.

You can enjoy music content from YouTube channels, user-generated videos, and Shorts. YouTube hum to search feature can connect you with more than just official music videos. You can also watch covers, remixes, parodies, tutorials, reactions, and other types of videos that feature your favorite songs.

You can share your findings with your friends or social media followers. Find Songs on YouTube hum to search feature can help you impress your friends or followers with your music knowledge and taste. You can share the songs you found with them via text, or social media platforms. You can also challenge them to guess the songs you hummed or sang.



Find Songs on YouTube hum to search feature is an amazing feature that allows you to Find Songs on YouTube by humming, singing, or recording a snippet of them. We hope this article has helped you understand how to use YouTube hum to search feature and why you should use it.

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